
NCMA Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Have you been thinking about joining the National Contract Management Association (NCMA)? Joining the NCMA can equip you with a great deal of knowledge and connections crucial to a successful lifelong career. The benefits are something to drool over but you should always do your homework before joining any association. Test what you already know about the NCMA today and see if it’s the right fit for you!

When was the NCMA founded? What is the National Contract Management Association? What does the NCMA offer to its members? Do you know what is the mission of the NCMA? What is the CM Code of Ethics?

Membership in the NCMA is taken very seriously. Taking these helpful quizzes beforehand will demonstrate just how serious you are about joining NCMA.

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Questions: 33  |  Attempts: 245   |  Last updated: Mar 17, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Generally, purchases and leases made by the Federal Government are immune from: 
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