
Neptune Quizzes, Questions & Answers

And now...we have what you would call, a rather splashy situation. We have a planet, that is named after a sea god, because it's color is simulates of the sea. Which planet are we talking about? It's not called's Neptune!

Do you know about this outer-rim planet? Do you know what do it's rings made up of? How many moons it has? And when is it the 8th planet, and when is it the 7th? Prepare to answer questions about this planet full of gas! Can you name the two scientists that were trying to discover it, and can you tell us who actually did? Attempt our trivia quizzes on Neptune to know more about the blue planet!

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A Quiz on the book the son of neptune.

Questions: 20  |  Attempts: 368   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    What type of Monster is chasing Percy at the beggining of the book.
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