
Nevada Wolf Pack Football Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Do you think you know your football trivia? Any real college football fan knows that the Wolf Pack plays for the University of Nevada, but did you know that they are based in Reno? Did you know that they used to be called the Sagebrushers, named after the state flower? One former coach spent 28 years at Nevada, although not all at once. Can you name him?

In 2010 the Wolf Pack celebrated the teams 500th win. Do you know the team they defeated for that milestone? If you named Chris Ault and New Mexico State, then you really are a trivia star! If you think you can handle it, then check out some of our quizzes and see how high you can score!

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A non-complicated quiz based on Nevada Wolf Pack football team!

Questions: 15  |  Attempts: 226   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    In 2004, Chris Ault became the Nevada Wolf Pack's head coach in football for which time?
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