
New Orleans Saints Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Do you think you know your football trivia? Any real football fan knows that the Saints have been around a while, but did you know that they first kicked off in 1967? They’ve made 16 playoff appearances in their 48 years, but did you know that have won 7 of those games? In 2005 the Saints had to temporarily abandon their home turf because of Hurricane Katrina.

Can you name the two stadiums that served as their home field until the Superdome was repaired in 2006? A lot of fans know that the Saints struggled to be competitive during their early years, but did you know that 1987 was their first winning season? That year they finished 12 and 3! If you think that you’re ready to answer more questions like these, then check out some of our quizzes!

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Questions: 43  |  Attempts: 4640   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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A fun and interesting quiz on NFL - New Orleans Saints

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