
New Super Mario Bros. Wii Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Leap into the Colorful World of Platform Gaming with Our New Super Mario Bros Wii Quizzes! Thoughtfully designed to challenge your knowledge of this popular game, these quizzes offer an engaging platform to delve into the game's adventurous levels, characters, power-ups, and secret pathways. From recalling the abilities of Mario and his companions to unearthing the hidden secrets of Mushroom Kingdom, these quizzes encapsulate the fun and excitement of New Super Mario Bros Wii.

Our quizzes cover a wide array of topics related to this iconic game. From the quirks of different power-ups to the tricks of defeating various bosses, each question brings you closer to the heart of the game. You'll navigate questions about level design, game mechanics, multiplayer modes, and the various challenges that make the game an enduring classic. These quizzes cater to all players, regardless of their familiarity with the game. Whether you're a casual gamer who enjoys the occasional Koopa stomping, a dedicated fan with an in-depth knowledge of the game, or a speedrunner aiming for record-breaking runs, you'll find questions that entertain, challenge, and refresh your memory of the game.

By immersing yourself in the vibrant world of Mario, exploring its iconic levels, power-ups, and characters, our New Super Mario Bros Wii quizzes offer a captivating gaming journey. As you tackle these quizzes, you're not just answering questions but also rekindling your connection to the dynamic world of one of the most beloved games in the Mario franchise.

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Have you played the New Super Mario Bros Wili? This quiz is specifically based on the game and tests to see if you have well understood it. What's more, you are going to become better at it. Enjoy!

Questions: 5  |  Attempts: 546   |  Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
  • Sample Question
    What's the boss of World 6 Fortress?
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(SI ERES ESPAÑOL PRUEVA: Test Super Mario Bros (Nv.Fácil)[Español])(Message from NintenGandalf: Excuse my English, I am Spanish but I know some English and I'm trying to translate my spanish test in to English the best that I...

Questions: 8  |  Attempts: 480   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    What use dose this object have in the Mario world?
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Test your knowledge on the new super mariobros wii. If  you managed to complete the game the quiz should be easy but theres only one way to find out!

Questions: 7  |  Attempts: 132   |  Last updated: Feb 26, 2024
  • Sample Question
    Which 5 characters are in it?
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Do You Know Much About New Super Mario Bros. Wii World 1?Lets Find Out!

Questions: 6  |  Attempts: 876   |  Last updated: Mar 19, 2023
  • Sample Question
    What is the gang that captures Princess Peach in the cutscene?
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