
Oakland Athletics Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Do you love baseball season? If you do, and you come from the Bay Area, then you might be a die-hard fan of the popular Oakland Athletics. Bearing the bright green and gold, and adorned in capital “A’s”, this team has a fan base unique and unlike any other. Did you know that they practice in nearby cities at times? Many people are not aware that they also allow high school groups from all around attend their games and sing the national anthem.

This team has what some would consider the rowdiest group of fans who frequent the games covered in their team gold and green colored paint, and camp outside the stadiums with grills and beers in hand. If you think you are an expert on the Oakland team, then take one of our online quizzes to find out. 

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How well do you know MLB - Oakland Athletics?

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    Nick Swisher was drafted by the A's with a pick that came as compensation for losing which player?
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How well do you know MLB - Oakland Athletics?

Questions: 15  |  Attempts: 412   |  Last updated: Feb 7, 2023
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    How many home runs did Mark McGwire hit in the 1997 season?
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