
Perimeter Quizzes, Questions & Answers

A perimeter is a path that surrounds a two-dimensional shape. The term may be used either for the path or its length - it can be thought of as the length of the outline of a shape. So, now that you remember what it’s about, let’s move on to math and test your geometry knowledge. A bit nervous, are you? You shouldn’t be, unless you skipped those classes back in the day.

Do you remember the perimeter formulas for all shapes? How do you call the perimeter of a circular or an ellipse? What does a wetter perimeter means? Do you remember the answers? Do you think you’re ready for perimeter quizzes? Take our quizzes and have fun with the questions!

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Here are a couple of practice questions that I would like you to do! Good Luck! Brandi

Questions: 5  |  Attempts: 5843   |  Last updated: May 13, 2024
  • Sample Question
    If we have a triangle with the side lengths of 3, 4, 5, find the perimeter.
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