Periodic Table Quizzes, Questions & Answers
Recent Quizzes
This quiz is made up of 23 mutilple choice questions and 1 fill in the blank question. All questions are related with the periodic table.
Questions: 24 | Attempts: 386 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionHow many element groups are there?
The study of elements and atoms can best be defined by a periodic table as it shows the atomic size and mass of various elements. For you to properly understand what we discuss concerning the table you must know why elements...
Questions: 30 | Attempts: 316 | Last updated: Jul 22, 2024
Sample QuestionThe vertical columns on the periodic table are called
In the periodic table elements are arranged according to their properties and given a symbol that is unique to them. Do you think that you know the symbols of the elements and can match them to their specific element? If so...
Questions: 14 | Attempts: 2920 | Last updated: Jul 11, 2023
Sample QuestionOn the periodic table what is the symbol for hydrogen?
Remember the periodic table from your Chemistry classroom? The periodic table catalogs all the elements by an atomic number from 1 to 118. The shape of the chart contains seven rows and eight columns. The amount of columns...
Questions: 47 | Attempts: 804 | Last updated: Nov 17, 2023
Sample QuestionH
Understanding the periodic table gives us a good way of understanding the elements in science. Each element is differentiated by another due to its components and number of items. The quiz below was created to test out a...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 390 | Last updated: Nov 24, 2023
Sample QuestionWhich two part of the atom have about the same mass?
Atoms are indivisible though it defines the size and mass of any element. Atomic structure and number defines the volume of an element and this helps us identify solids from liquids based on their atomic sizes. Are you...
Questions: 8 | Attempts: 104 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionAnother name for the columns of a periodic table is
The periodic table is a collection of elements which classifies in a way that will help us to better understand chemical reactions. There is no chance that anyone who has undertaken chemistry can pass without understanding it....
Questions: 14 | Attempts: 10503 | Last updated: Sep 17, 2024
Sample QuestionWhat is Ar the symbol for?
The following test is aligned with VA SOLs PS.1, PS.2, PS. 3 and PS.4 for 8th grade Physical Science. The student will plan and conduct investigations. The student will investigate and understand the basic nature of matter. The...
Questions: 41 | Attempts: 2398 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionWhich of the following is a compound?
Below is a quiz for IB Chemistry for Ms. Grant's class. You will be given a splendid mixture of naming the symbols to the elements or the elements to the symbols. Don’t be worried as it just covers the basics we learnt...
Questions: 45 | Attempts: 185 | Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
The periodic table can be used to predict properties of elements, even those that are yet to be discovered. By studying it you get to understand some trends in a group of elements and how chemical reactions may occur. Below is a...
Questions: 19 | Attempts: 290 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2022
Sample QuestionThe shorthand electron configuration [Ar] 4s2 4d1 is that of the element scandium.
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