PHP Quizzes, Questions & Answers
Recent Quizzes
PHP, originally standing for Personal Home Page, is a server-side scripting language used all around the word in the designing of webpages and in web development in general. Do you know it well enough? Let’s find out!
Questions: 20 | Attempts: 580 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionWhat does PHP stand for?
Republic Polytechnic Students: You need to set aside 60 mins to complete this quiz. There will be 30 questions in the quiz; the purpose is to test your ability to apply your problem solving and PHP programming skills.
Questions: 40 | Attempts: 6093 | Last updated: Jan 13, 2025
Sample QuestionRearrange these steps in the correct order. 1. Connect to Database Server2. Close database connection3. Execute SQL query4. Retrieve HTML form data5. Build SQL statement
When getting into web development, the first glance at PHP and all that comes with it can be a daunting task. Once you learn the basics, however, things become easier. Let’s see how much you know thus far!
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 1450 | Last updated: Nov 25, 2024
Sample QuestionWhat does PHP stand for?
This isn't a PHP quiz as much as it is a simple SQL quiz. Passing this test indicates a basic understanding of SQL, and how it's used with PHP. We use MySQL syntax.
Questions: 6 | Attempts: 359 | Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
Sample QuestionIf you're in an SQL command line environment (like "mysql"), which SQL statement would be useful if you wanted to add two numbers together, like 540 + 232? With what word would your SQL statement begin?
This quiz is a test of basic PCRE, aka, preg_match(). Difficult concepts in regexes are not covered. Passing the test indicates that you have a basic understanding of regexes.
Questions: 6 | Attempts: 2184 | Last updated: Aug 18, 2023
Sample QuestionIn the following statement, what does the "+" symbol mean?preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $data)
This tests your basic understanding of PHP software development, including general programming concepts like recursion, functions, and objects. Passing the test indicates that you recognize and understand basic computer...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 864 | Last updated: Mar 17, 2023
Sample QuestionWhich of the following doesn't look like PHP code?
This quiz contains 5 marks....each correct answer carry one mark
Questions: 5 | Attempts: 276 | Last updated: Mar 18, 2022
Sample QuestionWhat does PHP stand for?
This quiz is meant for self-study to aid in learning/memorizing the string functions in PHP.
Questions: 13 | Attempts: 817 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionWhat is the output of the following code snippet? $str = 'asdfghyo off on off'; $replace_pairs = array('a' => 'q', 's' => 'w', 'd' => 'e', 'f' => 'r', 'y' => 'z', 'o' => 'i', 'off' => 'on', 'on' => 'off'); echo strtr($str, $replace_pairs);
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