
Popeye Quizzes, Questions & Answers

I’m Popeye the Sailor Man (whistle)/ I’m Popeye the sailor Man (Whistle) /I’m strong to the finish/ ‘Cause I eat me spinach/ I’m Popeye the Sailor Man. We all know and love this song. He is the character that probably made you eat a lot of spinach when you were a kid just so you could become as strong as he was.

And now we want you to put all of that spinach to good use and start answering these questions correctly. But first, there are some samples that you should try out. What is the name of the girl that Popeye loves and who appears in the comics? What is the name of Popeye’s arch enemy, the one he fights almost all the time? How does Popeye gain all his strength? So keep "Good Be-hav-or"/ That's your one life saver/With Popeye the Sailor Man.

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Are you ready to test your knowledge about the iconic sailor who loves spinach? Take the Popeye Quiz and explore the adventures of one of the most beloved cartoon characters of all time! This quiz will take you on a nostalgic...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 493   |  Last updated: Jul 23, 2024
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    The character Popeye made his first appearance as a supporting character in a cartoon strip in Heart’s New York newspaper in April of which year?
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Popeye the sailor man was not only a very funny character, but he also reminded us that eating spinach as a kid was supposed to make us grow stronger. He was always taunted by his enemies as they, most of the time, fought him for...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 364   |  Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Who created Popeye the Sailorman?
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