
Poverty Quizzes, Questions & Answers

“Poverty is the worst form of violence”, said Gandhi; and there is no doubt that poverty reduces a person’s ability to lead a normal life. Poverty is a state that refers to the dearth of all essential commodities necessary to lead a content life. It is a multi faceted concept and can be either temporary or permanent. Reduction of poverty is on the agenda of all the nations of the world and a plethora of organizations are working to alleviate poverty from the face of the planet.

Do you know what percentage of the total population lives below poverty line? Are you aware of the fact that half the world lives at a meager $2.50 per day? Are you informed about the fact that nearly a billion people cannot write their own name in this modern age as they have not been educated due to lack of money for institutional fees? Take our hair-raising quizzes to improve your understanding with astonishing facts regarding poverty.

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  The questions below are created based on statistics published by the National Center for Children in Poverty. We would like to invite you to test your knowledge about children who live in poverty here in the United...

Questions: 13  |  Attempts: 2807   |  Last updated: Aug 24, 2024
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    What percentage of children under the age of 18 live in low-income families?
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Here we leave you with a quiz on global poverty! Humans have four basic needs, which are food, water, shelter, and clothing. Though people need them, there are many countries in the world where a majority is lacking in some of...

Questions: 9  |  Attempts: 2035   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
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    What is poverty?
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Poverty and finances are important topics that one should be aware of. Just how well do you know about global poverty and microfinance? Why Test your knowledge of Global Poverty and learn about Microfinance with this simple quiz?...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 1526   |  Last updated: Aug 21, 2023
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    If the world were a village of 100 people, how many would live without access to clean water?
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Questions: 43  |  Attempts: 151   |  Last updated: May 7, 2024
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    Which of the following is a reason MEDCs set up factories in LEDCs?
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