Pre Employment English Quizzes, Questions & Answers
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This is a quiz designed to
measure proficiency in the English language. It is necessary in this
job to have a good grasp of both written and spoken English. Reminder: This is a timed quiz. You have 30 minutes to answer all the...
Questions: 19 | Attempts: 3218 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionReading Comprehension A dog is bigger than a mouse, but smaller than an elephant.
This is a quiz designed to measure proficiency in the English language. It is necessary in this job to have a good grasp of both written and spoken English.Reminder: This is a timed quiz. You have 30 minutes to answer all the...
Questions: 31 | Attempts: 756 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionReading Comprehension A dog is bigger than a mouse, but smaller than an elephant.
General Test
Questions: 33 | Attempts: 449 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionReading Comprehension A dog is bigger than a mouse, but smaller than an elephant.
This is a timed and scored quiz aiming to
evaluate and measure your skills in reading. You are allowed only 20
minutes to complete this entire test. Reading Please skim through the passage to have a better understanding of the...
Questions: 15 | Attempts: 250 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionColorblindness A Myths related to the causes and symptoms of "colorblindness" abound throughout the world. The term itself is misleading, since it is extremely rare for anyone to have a complete lack of color perception. By looking into the myths related to color blindness, one can learn many facts about the structure and genetics o the human eye. It is a myth that colorblind people see the world as if it were a black and white movie. There are very few cases of complete colorblindness. Those who have a complete lack of color perception are referred to as monochromatics, and usually have a serious problem with their overall vision as well as an inability to see colors. The fact is that in most cases of colorblindness, there are only certain shades that a person cannot distinguish between. These people are said to be dichromatic. They may not be able to tell the difference between red and green, or orange and yellow. A person with normal color vision has what is called trichromatic vision. The difference between the three levels of color perception have to do with the cones in the human eye. A normal human eye has three cones located inside the retina: the red cone, the green cone, and the yellow cone. Each cone contains a specific pigment whose function is to absorb the light of these colors and the combinations of them. People with trichromatic vision have all three cones in working order. When one of the three cones does not function properly, dichromatic vision occurs. Question: People who see color normally are called
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