
Prehistory Quizzes, Questions & Answers

It's the history before history was ever recorded. Yes, we're talking about "prehistory" and that's the subject of our quizzes. Are you ready to take on this historic challenge? This can be quite tricky because it's actually older than Ancient history!

But if you know you're Prehistory well, it shouldn't be as tough as the invention of the wheel. Besides the Stone Age, can you name the two other "Ages" in Prehistory? Strike while the iron is hot because no bronze medals will be awarded… Did that make sense?

Well, we were actually giving you a clue right there. How are you with other topics like Prehistoric architecture, tools, Arts and Culture? This is prehistory in the making. Want to see your name in the record books? Go all out with our prehistoric challenge!

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How well have you listened, read, and learned?  How was your investigation?  And so...    "While most of us know plenty about human history, what do we know about prehistory? Let's discover a little...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 16064   |  Last updated: Nov 5, 2024
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    What does prehistory mean?
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Questions: 95  |  Attempts: 739   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Scholars have found evidence for which of the following as an important factor in the collapse of the indus valley civilization?
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