
Programmer Quizzes, Questions & Answers

A programmer is someone who creates computer software using different computer languages. So, if you’re into computer programming, coding, developing, or engineering software, these quizzes will be right up your alley. Are you ready to test your knowledge of computer languages, best practices, and history? Solidify yourself as an expert in your field by blowing this quiz out of the water.

Can you name five primary computer languages programmers work with? True or false: Code monkey is another term for a programmer. Which British countess and mathematician is considered to be the first programmer in history? Who was the first person to run a program on a functioning modern electronically based computer? Who made up the ENIAC? On which day of the year is Programmer’s Day annually celebrated?
Attempt our quizzes on programmers and see what you know about the nature and history of the job of a programmer!

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Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 972   |  Last updated: Nov 16, 2023
  • Sample Question
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    Radio Button
    Radio Button
    Radio Button

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  • Sample Question
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    Radio Button
    Radio Button
    Radio Button
    Radio Button

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 672   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
  • Sample Question
    What does C++ stand for ?
    Radio Button
    Radio Button
    Radio Button
    Radio Button

Developed and marketed by Microsoft, ASP.NET allows programmers to build dynamic websites. It has a lightweight framework and operates cross-platform. Take this quiz to test your knowledge on ASP.NET, terminologies used with the...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 170   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    ASP.NET applications can be written in any of the following except _____
    Radio Button
    Radio Button
    Radio Button
    Radio Button

Questions: 6  |  Attempts: 730   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
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    Radio Button
    Radio Button
    Radio Button
    Radio Button

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