Quarter FIM Quiz Quizzes, Questions & Answers
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Mr. Tate is a 68 y.o. male who lives with his wife in a 2 story house. He had recently retired from a law firm and had a massive MI resulting in anoxic brain damage. He has been admitted from the acute care hospital for inpatient...
Questions: 15 | Attempts: 340 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionEating - Usually, Mr. Tate can feed himself adequately, but requires 1:1 supervision for reminders to slow down and take smaller bites. However, this morning the helper fed him using the hand-over-hand technique to pick up the utensils, scoop up the food and guide it to the patient's mouth over 50% of the time. In addition, patient needed hand-over-hand technique to bring the cup and glass to his mouth more than 50% of the time. The patient was able to complete all eating tasks 25-49% of the time. What is the FIM score?
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Mr. Tate is a 68 y.o. male who lives with his wife in a 2 story house. He had recently retired from a law firm and had a massive MI resulting in anoxic brain damage. He has been admitted from the acute care hospital for inpatient...
Questions: 7 | Attempts: 308 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionTransfers: Bed/Chair/Wheelchair - Mr. Tate needs supervision to move from the bed to the chair. He uses a wheelchair for safety during the day, and a helper needs to make sure the brakes are locked, the foot rests are raised and cues are given before he transfers into the wheelchair. What is the FIM score?
Mr. Tate is a 68 y.o. male who lives with his wife in a 2 story house. He had recently retired from a law firm and had a massive MI resulting in anoxic brain damage. He has been admitted from the acute care hospital for inpatient...
Questions: 18 | Attempts: 423 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionEating - Usually, Mr. Tate can feed himself adequately, but requires supervision for reminders to slow down and take smaller bites. However, this morning the helper fed him using the hand-over-hand technique to pick up the utensils, scoop up the food and guide it to the patient's mouth over 50% of the time. In addition, patient needed hand-over-hand technique to bring the cup and glass to his mouth more than 50% of the time. The patient was able to complete all eating tasks 25-49% of the time. What is the FIM score?