
Radiation Safety Quizzes, Questions & Answers

You need to know how strong your knowledge is when it comes to radiation protection. Being exposed to low levels of radiation is okay as long as it will not be done often. There are some people, however, who may not realize that they are already being exposed to a lot of radiation. Exposure to more radiation can already cause some body discomfort like headaches, sickness, high fever, vomiting, and so much more.

Get to know through the quizzes if you understand how you can protect yourself from radiation. At the same time, learn more about the items and places that have a higher chance of being exposed to high levels of radiation. Radiation can sometimes be strong enough to cause mutation, which is not something that you would like to happen to you.

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This quiz is a refresher for radiation safety in the Diagnostic Imaging Department here at the General.  For some of the questions, you should be able to reach deep inside your brain for the answer. For others, you may need to...

Questions: 19  |  Attempts: 754   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    Natural Background Radiation accounts for _______ mSv per year.
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From book Radiography Essentials for Limited Practice 3rd Edition

Questions: 32  |  Attempts: 1359   |  Last updated: Apr 29, 2024
  • Sample Question
    The conventional (British system) radiation unit for measuring patient dose is the:
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