
Raiders Of The Lost Ark Quizzes, Questions & Answers

The first and best of the Indiana Jones movies is undoubtedly Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981). In this film, Harrison Ford, playing Indiana Jones, is hired by the government of the United States to find the Arc of the Covenant. However, those nasty Nazis are also after this treasure. 

With Marion, his off and on love interest; Indiana goes off to search for the Arc of the Covenant, crossing multiple continents, including South America, Asia, and Africa. The film is a fun action-adventure flick, with Indiana able to escape any danger. What do you remember about that famous whip and gun fight? Does Indiana get the girl? What happens to those Nazis after all? And, to answer the movie title, what is the Arc of the Covenant? Go on your own adventure and take these quizzes.

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