Reading Quizzes, Questions & Answers
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I. Reading.
Enter this link to have access to the readings (3 readings in total). Read them carefully and answer the questions.
Questions: 17 | Attempts: 98 | Last updated: Aug 31, 2023
Sample QuestionReading 1. Global communications 1. The company began by offering computer software solutions to local businesses in the greater Seattle metropolitan area.
Questions: 8 | Attempts: 450 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionQ1 TO THE TOP OF THE WORLD The coldest walk in the world is probably the one Alan Chambers and Charlie Paton did a few years ago when they walked to the North Pole. To prepare for the trip they (1)________ a day in a freezer at a temperature of -300C. But they were more comfortable there than at the North Pole (2)________ they weren’t tired or hungry! They began their 1,126 km walk (3)________ 8 March 2000 and (4)________ at the North Pole 70 days later. A plane took them straight home from there. Charlie had his 30th (5)________ during the trip and he was amazed when Alan gave him a small cake with a candle on it. Alan said the (6)________ moment for him was Charlie’s face when he (7)________ that cake. The strange thing is that more men (8)________ walked on the moon than to the North Pole.
Questions: 70 | Attempts: 1339 | Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
Sample QuestionIt was such a nice weather that we went to the zoo The sentence above can be best replaced by....
Questions: 14 | Attempts: 566 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample Question.
Timed reading comprehension test.
Questions: 6 | Attempts: 752 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionReading a story Nan and May planted a vegetable garden. Nan wanted to plant corn. May wanted to plant peas. They both wanted to plant carrots. Oh no! They need a shovel. Nan has an idea. The dirt is soft. She gets a cup. Yay! Now they can plant their vegetables. 2. Who are the characters in the story?
Questions: 12 | Attempts: 568 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionThe Stella Hotel didn’t serve any ……………………… .
Questions: 18 | Attempts: 3663 | Last updated: Aug 26, 2023
Sample QuestionAccording to the text, most people like adventure
Questions: 8 | Attempts: 3223 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionWhat are two examples of technology that send information over long distances?
For an effective reading, ACT Compass Reading Practice Test is very important, it helps you to brush up and evaluate your reading skills. With this quiz of 10 multiple choice questions, your knowledge of understanding will be put...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 156 | Last updated: Mar 19, 2023
Sample QuestionThe Felis silvestris is also known as the house cats. They are domesticated and safe to be kept at homes. Even with the cat's domestication, the Felis can live in the wild due to its body structure and its instincts. It's from the Felidae family, so its related to the cheetahs, leopards and other wild cats. Use the passage to answer the questions that follow. The term 'wild' as used in the passage means?
Fourth Grade is the elementary education in the fifth school year of the elementary school whose ages of students in this class usually ranges from 9 years old to 10 years old. This quiz is based on 4th Grade reading to test your...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 602 | Last updated: Oct 24, 2024
Sample QuestionWhich of the following is not a synonym for "happy"?
Questions: 44 | Attempts: 734 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample Question1. The word “pose” in the passage is closest in meaning to
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 109 | Last updated: Jul 13, 2023
Sample QuestionWhat saved Tariq? -
Ready for a quiz about technology and science fiction? Read the passage and then answer questions like does Gemma believe that significant progress in this field will occur during her lifetime, why has the desire to transport...
Questions: 22 | Attempts: 685 | Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
Sample QuestionAre these statements True (T), False (F) or is the information Not Mentioned (NM)? Gemma believes that significant scientific progress in this field will happen in her lifetime.
Questions: 5 | Attempts: 1343 | Last updated: Aug 18, 2023
Sample QuestionRead the forum posts. Match texts A–D with questions 1–5. One text matches with two questions. A Dale - Breadmaker I can’t remember how many times our breadmaker has been used since Mum got it at Christmas, but it’s a lot. I was a bit worried because I read in a magazine that breadmakers are one of those gadgets that people are often given as presents, but then they never use them. I don’t know why that is because it looks really easy to use. You just put all the ingredients in, press a button, and a couple of hours later you have a fresh loaf of bread. It beeps once when it’s ready! I love waking up to the smell of fresh bread each morning and Mum says she’ll never buy a loaf of bread again, so I think it was a really successful present. Which gadget does the writer say ...
Questions: 23 | Attempts: 4209 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionAre these statements True (T), False (F) or is the information Not Mentioned (NM)? Gemma believes that significant scientific progress in this field will happen in her lifetime.
Questions: 5 | Attempts: 321 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionRead the text. Choose the correct answers. Once, when I was teaching English to children in Cambridge, I died while eating my dinner. The children were eleven to fourteen years old and there were about one hundred and twenty of them in the large hall of a boarding school. We were all eating icecream when I made strange noises and fell forward onto my plate. This was not some unusual way of teaching the children about crime, but a murder mystery game. It was a bit like a play in the theatre, but the whole school was involved. All of the teachers were either victims or suspects and all of the children were detectives trying to find out who the murderer was. The children knew the situation was serious as many teachers were ‘dying’, so they were all very excited! Lying next to my icecream, I loved being a ‘victim’. However, I had to remember not to smile as the teachers dragged me across the floor to get rid of my ‘dead body’ so the students knew I was really ‘dead’. This was just the start of my murder mystery career! Lying next to my icecream, I loved being a ‘victim’. However, I had to remember not to smile as the teachers dragged me across the floor to get rid of my ‘dead body’ so the students knew I was really ‘dead’. This was just the start of my murder mystery career! Now I run my own company – Murder Mystery Occasions. I organise murder mystery parties in restaurants or historic buildings. Usually I hire a private room so that the ‘murder’ doesn’t upset other guests. Castles are particularly popular with my guests because they’re so atmospheric, so I use them if they’re available. I write the scripts and employ actors to be some of the key characters. People pay to come along and join in with the fun while having a wonderful dinner. The murder usually happens somewhere between the starter and the main course and there is always a lot of excitement when the police arrive to take fingerprints and interview key suspects. People tell me that’s the best part. Then, at the end of the evening, there is a prize for the table that guesses who is the murderer, but everybody who comes along seems to enjoy the drama. So, you could say I’ve made a good, honest career out of murder! 1. When the writer was eating her dessert, she
Questions: 5 | Attempts: 2027 | Last updated: Aug 18, 2023
Sample QuestionRead the text. Choose the correct answers. Once, when I was teaching English to children in Cambridge, I died while eating my dinner. The children were eleven to fourteen years old and there were about one hundred and twenty of them in the large hall of a boarding school. We were all eating icecream when I made strange noises and fell forward onto my plate. This was not some unusual way of teaching the children about crime, but a murder mystery game. It was a bit like a play in the theatre, but the whole school was involved. All of the teachers were either victims or suspects and all of the children were detectives trying to find out who the murderer was. The children knew the situation was serious as many teachers were ‘dying’, so they were all very excited! Lying next to my icecream, I loved being a ‘victim’. However, I had to remember not to smile as the teachers dragged me across the floor to get rid of my ‘dead body’ so the students knew I was really ‘dead’. This was just the start of my murder mystery career! Lying next to my icecream, I loved being a ‘victim’. However, I had to remember not to smile as the teachers dragged me across the floor to get rid of my ‘dead body’ so the students knew I was really ‘dead’. This was just the start of my murder mystery career! Now I run my own company – Murder Mystery Occasions. I organise murder mystery parties in restaurants or historic buildings. Usually I hire a private room so that the ‘murder’ doesn’t upset other guests. Castles are particularly popular with my guests because they’re so atmospheric, so I use them if they’re available. I write the scripts and employ actors to be some of the key characters. People pay to come along and join in with the fun while having a wonderful dinner. The murder usually happens somewhere between the starter and the main course and there is always a lot of excitement when the police arrive to take fingerprints and interview key suspects. People tell me that’s the best part. Then, at the end of the evening, there is a prize for the table that guesses who is the murderer, but everybody who comes along seems to enjoy the drama. So, you could say I’ve made a good, honest career out of murder! 1. When the writer was eating her dessert, she
Questions: 22 | Attempts: 2538 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionFlooding: the new danger Areas in certain parts of the world have recently been hit by disastrous floods and others by a sequence of earthquakes. (1) …………… Away from earthquake zones, one worrying problem these days is flooding and it is predicted that as a result of the changes in climate, this type of disaster will occur with greater frequency in the future, affecting millions of people.
Questions: 22 | Attempts: 4339 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionFlooding: the new danger Areas in certain parts of the world have recently been hit by disastrous floods and others by a sequence of earthquakes. (1) …………… Away from earthquake zones, one worrying problem these days is flooding and it is predicted that as a result of the changes in climate, this type of disaster will occur with greater frequency in the future, affecting millions of people.
Questions: 23 | Attempts: 1970 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionRead the opinions again. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)? The technology for producing 3D films is very recent.
Questions: 23 | Attempts: 2161 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionRead the opinions again. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)? The technology for producing 3D films is very recent.
Questions: 22 | Attempts: 3106 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionWorld Book Day Where were you on Saturday 23rd April, in the UK? (1) ……………………… As part of World Book Day, a campaign to raise interest in and promote the reading of books resulted in an enormous book giveaway. One million books were given away byordinary people, or ‘donors’ as they were called.
Questions: 22 | Attempts: 4882 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionWorld Book Day Where were you on Saturday 23rd April, in the UK? (1) ……………………… As part of World Book Day, a campaign to raise interest in and promote the reading of books resulted in an enormous book giveaway. One million books were given away byordinary people, or ‘donors’ as they were called.
Questions: 8 | Attempts: 455 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionWhat does the opening paragraph say about ospreys in Scotland?
Questions: 7 | Attempts: 370 | Last updated: Apr 20, 2023
Sample QuestionShopping habits in the UK have changed over the last sixty years, and this can be seen in the changing appearance of any British high street – the main shopping street in a town or city. In the 1950s, high streets had rows of individual shops selling different things.1___ Most people did this every few days in order to buy fresh food. The high street was a sociable place to be.