Reading Quizzes, Questions & Answers
Recent Quizzes
Read the above story ( "Signs Of Change" ) and answer the following questions.
Attempt each question to the best of your knowledge, you will receive a certificate at the end of the quiz which you can share on your...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 6483 | Last updated: Aug 22, 2023
Sample QuestionWhat does the word bantering mean in paragraph 2?
Read each question and choose the correct answer based on key words.
Questions: 5 | Attempts: 124 | Last updated: Feb 2, 2023
Sample QuestionIn what city does the Red Sox play?
This quiz determines if students have read the assigned pages and assesses their level of comprehension of the text.
Questions: 6 | Attempts: 419 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionElie and his father are "processed" at Birkenau, outside Auschwitz. In Birkenau, they are:
This quiz determines whether students have read the assigned pages and assesses their level of comprehension of the text.
Questions: 5 | Attempts: 247 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2022
Sample QuestionMoshe the Beadle is a:
This poll intends to survey various people to discover what the current practice is in their locales in terms of the liturgical readings of the usus antiquior. Do you do the readings in Latin, Latin and vernacular, the...
Questions: 8 | Attempts: 834 | Last updated: Mar 20, 2022
Sample QuestionDo you attend a usus antiquior Mass at:
By the time a child starts to learn to read and write, s/he will have already have gained an impressive command of spoken language. Here are some questions on the theories of a childs acquisition of reading and writing.
Questions: 6 | Attempts: 362 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionStage 2 is the consolidation stage(age 6+),what type of sentance do they use?
This is a quiz to test for reading comprehension using the story Go Away Big Green Monster!
Questions: 5 | Attempts: 127 | Last updated: Mar 15, 2024
Sample QuestionWhat color are his eyes?
Are you curious about your reading level? Take a lexile test to find out! This short quiz will assess your reading comprehension and give you an estimated Lexile level. This can help you choose books that are just right for...
Questions: 15 | Attempts: 185212 | Last updated: Feb 16, 2025
Sample QuestionElise and Bella, who were siblings, strolled past a fruit vendor one day, and Elise's craving for fruits led them to purchase some apples. She consumed her apples at a street corner and soon fell ill. Can you discern who became unwell?
Reading quiz 4.12B recognize that authors organize information in specific ways
Questions: 5 | Attempts: 556 | Last updated: Oct 24, 2024
Sample QuestionFREEMONT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEWS An Amazing Museum By Daniela S. Montez, 4th-grade student 1 You might think that museums are boring. Maybe you have seen too many colorless statues or paintings that make no sense. Or perhaps you have seen dusty exhibits of stuffed animals among fake plants. 2 "Sure," you say, "you are talking about those children's museums. Those are for babies!" Well, the one I am talking about is for people who can walk and talk and think on their own quite well. 3 The museum that I visited with Mr. Tojio's class last week has changed all of my ideas about what a museum can offer. This amazing place is called the Time Travel Museum of Human History (TTMHH). If you have ever wondered about what it was really like living in another time and place, this is the museum for you! 4 From the moment you see the "building," you know this is no ordinary place. It is actually several colorful and oddly shaped buildings connected by tubes. Inside, you can take a variety of trains, elevators, and even boat rides. They will take you on a journey through history and around the world. 5 Does it sound too strange to be true, or at least very confusing? Well, exploring this museum was kind of like exploring a website. I imagine that websites influenced the designers when they created this unusual museum. On the Internet, you click on something and you are taken to a certain screen. At TTMHH, you select a place and travel to the part of the museum. Some examples are China, Mexico, and Australia. Then you are taken on a journey through history. Of course you will not actually travel through time—but it will seem like it! 6 Take my word for it: This is a great place to visit. Better yet, do not take my word for it. Go there and experience it for yourself! You will not be disappointed. The author organizes paragraphs 3 through 5 of the article by —