
Rush Limbaugh Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Few political commentators have had the impact or fame of Rush Limbaugh. A cartoon version of him even appeared in hit comedy animation Family Guy, as if to prove that when it comes to political commentary, Rush is the man. In fact, his current radio program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, is the most listened to talk show on US radio.

If you wouldn't dream of missing an episode, and if you wish he would run for office himself, then you should take our Rush Limbaugh quizzes. What is Rush Limbaugh's full name? What was the name of his first bestselling book? What it be fair to say that Rush had Republican or Democrat tendencies? Don't rush; we have plenty more questions where they came from.

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Out of all the American conservative known figures, he is probably the most popular one. After years of making a name for himself while working for other radio shows, he now hosts his own radio show called "the Rush Limbaugh...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 129   |  Last updated: Mar 18, 2023
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    When was he born?
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Rush Limbaugh is a powerful talk show host with an even more powerful message. You may or may not agree with his stand, but one is sure: Limbaugh's got a lot of audience that support him. If you're Limbaugh's fan, you...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 116   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    What was Limbaugh's first job?
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