
Saint Joseph Quizzes, Questions & Answers

As all believers know, St. Joseph is the foster father of Jesus and the husband of Virgin Mary. This we can read in the Gospels of Luke and Matthew. His lineage is traced back to the times of King David.

But did you know that in the Bible he was only mentioned in Matthew and Luke and once in John and wasn't mentioned anymore in the rest of the New Testament? Do you know how old he was when he married Mother Mary? If you think you know St. Joseph that well, did you know he has two feast days? And when are these? Before he was raised by God to be the spouse of Mary, he was a simple man. Do you know his profession? Whose patron saint is he? Eager to answer our quiz now, go on and may St. Joseph guide you.

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How Much do you know about St. Joe?

Questions: 18  |  Attempts: 207   |  Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
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    Why was Saint Joseph's team's first Final Four appearance removed from the NCAA records?
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