
Security Forces Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Security forces are essential for the safety and protection of the country. Security forces rate discipline as the highest virtue as they protect you from harm. These Security quizzes are an effective way to test the knowledge and skills of those who are interested in joining the security forces. These quizzes help to identify what is required to be in the security forces.

They also provide a good indication of how well someone can handle stressful situations, as well as their ability to think logically and remain calm under pressure which is essential in the forces. These quizzes contain questions that form an important part of the recruitment process for many organizations. If you like these quizzes, share them with your friends. All the best!

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A career development course is a mandatory exam for anyone who is planning to join the Air force. How well prepared are you for the final CDC test? Take up the revision quiz to polish up on what you remember and get a high...

Questions: 100  |  Attempts: 6179   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
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    What year was the name of the career field changed to "Security Police"?
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Questions: 100  |  Attempts: 556   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
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    Color is used in the Use of Force Model (UFM) to
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In this security centred quiz, we’ll be looking at the protocols of security force journeymen in their role of nailing their target and defending their employer. How much do you know about the actions needed to be...

Questions: 58  |  Attempts: 1742   |  Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
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    Which principle of war is the most effective and decisive way to attain a clearly defined objective and is the means by which a military force seizes and holds the initiative while maintaining freedom of action and achieving decisive results?
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An important part of protecting our country is ensuring the safety of the people, property and resources on every Air Force base. To accomplish this goal, Security personnel undergo some training. Prepare for armed forces and...

Questions: 186  |  Attempts: 1343   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    What provides the foundation of the integrated defense (ID) concept?
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Questions: 100  |  Attempts: 4330   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
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    As a result of the reorganization of the War Department in 1943, which office was established?
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