
Sith Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Star Wars has brought with it a rising popularity now in the form of video games. Have you played “Revenge of the Sith”. When you play this particular game you focus your energy as either Anakin Skywalker or Obi-Wan Kenobi. This game actually follows the movie with the same name. You can play this game on Xbox or PlayStation two.

There is an additional version that you can play on mobile phones as well. You got to relive action scenes from the film in this game. The game consists of 17 different levels and inside each level you will find over 12 minutes of footage from the actual movie. Most of the combat that takes place in this movie is based on a light saber much the same as the games. If you really want to show off just how much you know on the subject, try taking a few of our multiple quizzes and seeing just how much you know. 

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The power of Force is inevitable. Ever wondered which Sith lord are you? Get ready to feel the power and experience pure bliss by taking our fantastic quiz! Let's see how powerful you are. We feel the power of Force within...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 1231   |  Last updated: Sep 7, 2022
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    Every Sith Lord encounters an enemy. Pick a Star Wars character to defeat.
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Are you a sith lord a sith apprentice or sith padawan

Questions: 7  |  Attempts: 3193   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2022
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    If you were captured what would you do
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This quiz will tell you if you are a jedi or a sith. If you are a jedi you will help the republic for ever. If youu turn out to be a sith you will drain into the power that the dark side reigns.

Questions: 8  |  Attempts: 405   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2022
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    You have been trained a jedi what name will you choose
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Who are you in star wars as a sith or a clone!

Questions: 9  |  Attempts: 418   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2022
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    What is your favorite color?
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Are you a true old-fashioned Sith, or are you one of those soft ones? Being a True Sith means that you have what it takes to rule the galaxy and survive! Do you have what it takes, or will you die like the rest of those fools?...

Questions: 5  |  Attempts: 954   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2022
  • Sample Question
    You are visiting the Sith worlf of Korriban, taking a look around and enjoying a vacation, as most force-powered individuals do every now and then. You are allowed a free tour of the tomb of Tulak Hord, and ancient Sith Lord. Excited to see such a monument, you accept, and go along with about 10 other people. Not long after entering, you notice a corridor the rest of the group is not taking, and decide to take it yourself, finding an ancient computer. Upon pressing a button, a nearby door immediately opens up. You walk inside to surrounded by naucious fumes and faint upon the floor.Hours later, you wake up to find a wrinkly old man with scary eyes and pale skin. He eagerly greets you."Hello! I'm glad to see you awake so soon! Allow me to introduce myself! I am Jorak Uln; the past leader of the academy. You stupid tourists are always bothering me as I nap away in this tomb! It's a bit dusty, but it's quite comfortable. Tell you what: if you can answer my questions correctly, I'll let you go! If not, then I'll kill you for waking me up! And don't even try to run or attack me; you are in no condition to move after you'd been poisoned! Let's begin!"Now, then. Your immediate superior amongst the Sith is an effective commander and a fine leader. He trsuts you and you like him. You see an opportunity to kill him. What do you do?"
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