Storm Quizzes, Questions & Answers
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Do you know everything about weather fronts and storms? Take this quiz to practice for the fronts and storms quiz that will be at the end of this week or next week. When it comes to weather fronts and storms, there is a lot to...
Questions: 25 | Attempts: 1912 | Last updated: Aug 15, 2023
Sample QuestionCold fronts move
How do you handle it when someone offends you? Take this fun quiz to find out!
Questions: 5 | Attempts: 339 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2022
Sample QuestionSomeone at work/school just told you that you have chicken legs. What do you do?
Questions regarding our lesson 13 story, "Stormalong."
Questions: 7 | Attempts: 914 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionWhat genre is "Stormalong"?
This is your description.
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 574 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionTropical Storms have heavy rain.
Recent Quizzes
Part 3 of the jobros story/quiz... hope you like water!!!
Questions: 5 | Attempts: 179 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2022
Sample Question((a/n all results are written like you got that particular brother’s result last time… if they don’t make sense… shoot me later…)) The next morning you pull yourself out of bed at eight, and make yourself as presentable as possible. When you make it down the stairs to the kitchen, your aunt is buzzing around the kitchen. You sit at the kitchen table and lay your head on your arms with a groan. “Good morning, _______,” Your Uncle says, sounding a bit too cheery for the morning. You look up to glare at him. “Morning yes, good debatable.” He laughs and ruffles your hair like you’re six again. “Attack of the jet lag?” You nod before putting your head back down and speaking into the table. “It’s a evil and ruthless monster that preys on little girls and purple monkeys.” “And Rockstars,” another voice says, laced with humor. You look up through bleary eyes to see Joe with the same tired expression. “Yeah, Rockstars too.” Your aunt laughs, which always sounded like a song to you. “I know it’s not the brightest morning in the world, but you guys will just have to be a little cheerier or I’ll kick you out of my kitchen.” “Good luck kicking Joe out of a kitchen,” An equally tired Nick says, sliding onto the bench seat next to you. Joe glares at his brother, but doesn’t argue. “Do you cook for everybody every day?” Your aunt smiles. “Yes, but only Breakfast and Dinner. If you’re not in the dining room to get it you’re on your own.” “What about lunch?” Nick wants to know. “That’s up to you,” She answers. “There’s left overs in the refrigerator on the first two shelves, as well as sandwich stuff. Or you can go into town.” You raise an eyebrow at her. “Today I will make lunch since I doubt anyone will be going out. “Definitely not,” A new voice agrees. Your twenty year old cousin gives his mom a kiss on the cheek. “Hey, Cuz!” You stand to give him a hug. “I barely made it across the bridge before the sheriff closed it off, it’s pretty flooded.” Joe and Nick exchange a worried glance. “You really shouldn’t have come, Mark.” Your Uncle is saying. He shrugs. “I’m used to it.” At that point, Kevin, who quite obviously just got out of bed, finally manages to make it to the kitchen. You try not to laugh at his disheveled hair as he slumps down in a chair. You hear a barely discernable moan from behind his hands as he rubs his face. Joe looks over at him. “Yes, it’s great to see you too.” You shake your head and watch Mark sneak around his mom to grab two cream filled pastries. He tosses one to you with a wink. “What’s that?” Kevin asks you quietly. You smile and break yours in half. “Amazing.” “It’s called amazing?” Joe asks with a raised eyebrow. “No,” You say. “It is the embodiment of amazing. If amazing was a food, this would be it.” “It’s true though” Mark said taking a bite. “What are you guys talking about?” Your aunt asks turning. “Mark! You’re not supposed to be eating those right now!” Without a word, you and Kevin hide yours under the table while Mark tries to defend himself. She shakes her head at him. “I can’t trust you in here, go set the table.” She opens the refrigerator. “What smoothie do you guys want?” You perk up. “Oh, I want Strawberry banana.” She hands you the jug of the thick pink liquid. “Boys?” Kevin shakes his head. “No thanks.” She looks at him. “You need your fruits and vegetables. These are all natural smoothies with no additives. So come choose one.” Kevin opens his mouth to protest and you shake your head in horror from behind your aunt. “Yes ma’am.” He finally mumbles, getting up to see his options while his brothers share amused glances. Once the food is done, you join the rest of the guests in the dining room for breakfast. After breakfast you find yourself in the living room with not much to do because of the rain. You were playing solitaire when Kevin walked in, equally bored. You watch him look out the window and wonder what he’s thinking. Want to go for a walk?” Your mouth drops. “A walk? It’s raining.” He shrugs. “So? It’s not that bad anymore.”