
Suicide Squad Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Dive into the wild world of the DC universe with our engaging Suicide Squad Quizzes! If you've ever wondered which character from the hit movie you most resemble, then these quizzes are tailor-made for you. Delve into your personality and find your match among the fascinating characters of the Suicide Squad, all while having an incredible amount of fun. The Suicide Squad, a film that resonates with fans due to its eclectic mix of characters and action-packed storyline, lends itself perfectly to a variety of interactive quizzes.

Our Suicide Squad Quizzes are not only entertaining but are a unique way to explore your personality. Are you the charismatic and unpredictable Harley Quinn, or do you align more with the principled Rick Flag? These quizzes provide intriguing questions designed to relate your traits and preferences to those of the movie's vibrant characters. In addition to personality quizzes, these questions and answer templates also include trivia challenges for those die-hard fans who want to test their knowledge of the film's plot, characters, and behind-the-scenes facts.

The templates are easy to use, making them suitable for quiz nights with friends, family or even as a fun classroom activity. Whether you're a casual fan or a dedicated follower of Suicide Squad, these quizzes offer a unique way to connect with the movie. Challenge yourself or play with friends; either way, these Suicide Squad Quizzes promise to bring the excitement of Task Force X right to your screen!

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In honor of the new Suicide Squad movie coming out summer 2016, we have created a quiz that will help you determine what Suicide Squad character you are.

Questions: 7  |  Attempts: 2175   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2022
  • Sample Question
    What Suicide Squad character are you?
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Suicide Squad is an American superhero film made in 2016 and built off of DC Comics. Have you watched the film then? If yes, you should take this quiz and see what you know about the movie.

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 405   |  Last updated: Mar 16, 2023
  • Sample Question
    What is the name of the group created by the US intelligence office?
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