
TESOL Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Teaching English to students who speak other languages can be difficult but very rewarding. Are you interested in being an ESOL teacher? Did you know that present continuous, future perfect, and simple past are all different verb tenses? Can you explain the different tenses? Do you know the rules for conjugating regular verbs? Can you name several ways to teach vocabulary to non-English speaking students?
Teaching English to speakers of other languages can be very hard. Do you think you’re ready to face a classroom of learners? Let our quizzes help you prepare! We can help you find out how much you know and see if you need to learn more about TESoL and many other topics!

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The Certificate IV in TESOL is a capability for those entering the field of Teaching English as a foreign or second dialect. Take this short quiz to find out more.

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 3275   |  Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
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    Certificate IV in TESOL is a certificate for...
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Hello Natalia, I hope you enjoyed the online course. Please take the following quiz as part of the reflective learning of the class. The results of the quiz will not be taken into the evaluation of your final mark. Please give...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 314   |  Last updated: Mar 14, 2023
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    Online vs. FTF Teaching -  In order to be able to relate to their online learners, teachers themselves need to have been exposed to online learning from the student’s point of view. 
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