
The Cay Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Children's books come in many forms and many genres, but for sheer reading thrills it's hard to beat an adventure story. That's why The Cay is as popular among young readers today as it was on the day it was written over four decades ago. Boys and girls will identify with the hero who is stranded on a lifeboat during World War Two. This is a book that has a lot of important lessons about life hidden within it, but it's a great read too.

If you loved this book as a child, and your children love it just as much now, the put your knowledge to the test with our The Cay quizzes. Can you name the author of The Cay? The book was famously written very quickly, how many weeks did it take? Which historical and inspirational figure is the book dedicated to? Ready for The Cay? Okay.

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The cay shows us the story of a boy who got shipwrecked and gets to form friendships with people as he learns to survive in a strange land. Have you read the book and think you are well prepared to tackle the final exam? Take up...

Questions: 20  |  Attempts: 5250   |  Last updated: Oct 21, 2024
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    Why were there no people on the island Timothy found?
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Questions: 14  |  Attempts: 3250   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    What arrived during the night?
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Questions: 8  |  Attempts: 1746   |  Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
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    When did the hurricane hit?
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Questions: 17  |  Attempts: 2181   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Where was the island that Timothy found?
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Questions: 9  |  Attempts: 1862   |  Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
  • Sample Question
    How was Phillip able to get around the island?
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