
The Giver Quizzes, Questions & Answers

For all the bookaholics out there, and especially kids who love to read about dystopian societies, The Giver is all about a bunch of 16-year-olds who have to take part in a ceremony which then decides what jobs they are going to be doing for the rest of their lives.
Can you name the author of ‘The Giver”? How about the different characters in the book or the six-time Academy Award nominee who’s in the movie adaptation? The head honcho in the movie adaptation is also played by someone who goes by the name of Mery Streep, who we think lives at the Kodak Theater. Well, does she? Find out all that and much more by taking our quizzes right here. 

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It is believed that the Community in The Giver has many jobs. Do you want to know which assignment you would get? Try this 'Giver Assignment quiz' that is given below and find out now what job you would receive at The...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 82088   |  Last updated: Jul 3, 2022
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    What might you do to make some money?
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. Welcome to the intriguing world of Lois Lowry's dystopian masterpiece, "The Giver," with our personality quiz titled "Quiz: Ceremony of Twelves." Embark on a journey to discover which role from the...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 12120   |  Last updated: Dec 21, 2023
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    What is your favorite color?
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Human memory can either choose to be permanent or some parts can be partly or totally forgotten. The Giver by Lois Lowry is a captivating read that tells us the story of a man named Jonah and how he gets memories of the world...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 12512   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2022
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    What might you do to make some money?
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Which role would you play in the amazing story? Find out here!

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 1744   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2022
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    What do you love to do on your spare time?
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Are you ready to take a quiz about The Giver By Lois Lowry? The Giver is an American young-adult dystopian novel written in 1993 by Lois Lowry. The story follows Jonas, a 12-years-old boy in a society that appears to be utopian...

Questions: 15  |  Attempts: 10095   |  Last updated: Nov 21, 2023
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    What is Jonas selected for at the Ceremony of Twelve?
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Loved reading “The Giver?” It is a novel by author Lois Lowry. Here is a quiz, where you will be asked what had frightened Jonas about a year ago and what punishment someone received for significant wrongdoing. What...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 5435   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
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    What had frightened Jonas about a year ago?
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