
The Rules Of The Game Quizzes, Questions & Answers

The Rules of the Game is a French film which was released in 1939. This film was directed by Jean Renoir and was produced by Claude Renoir. Can you name some of the stars? If you listed Nora Gregor, Marcel Dalio, or Roland Toutain, then you really know your French movie stars.

This film is a comedy which focuses on manners between the upper class members of French society and their servants right before the start of the Second World War. The film shows moral callousness even as destruction was on the horizon. At the time of its release it was the most expensive film ever made with a budget that started as two and half million francs and increased to double that by the end. If you are a fan of French cinema, then you should see how much you know by completing our many quizzes. 

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Based on the 2010 Edition of the Rule Book Many questions have more than one correct answer! 

Questions: 330  |  Attempts: 3301   |  Last updated: May 15, 2024
  • Sample Question
    1. What measurements do the rules lay down for the playing court? 
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