
The Sound Of Music Quizzes, Questions & Answers

It is one of the best musicals that have ever come out of Hollywood. The music that was included in the soundtrack of this movie was superb and even the actors did a very good job while the filming was being done. Let us see just how much you actually know about The Sound of Music by answering a couple of very interesting questions we have for you right here.

The Sound of Music is a multiple Tony Award–winning musical by Richard Rodgers, lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II and a book by whom? The original Broadway production, starring Mary Martin and Theodore Bikel, opened on what date? This production was a five time winner at the 14th Tony Awards, out of how many nominations? Are you ready to sing your way to the top?

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Questions: 15  |  Attempts: 1200   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    Who directed the Sound of Music?
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How well do you know the movie "The sound of music"? Lets test it!

Questions: 6  |  Attempts: 880   |  Last updated: Mar 15, 2023
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    True or False. Maria has a hard time following orders during thunderstorms and can't seem to stop singing.
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The sound of music is a musical movie. In this movie each character is playing some music instrument. Take our quiz and find out which sound of music characters are you? 

Questions: 8  |  Attempts: 413   |  Last updated: Mar 14, 2022
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    Which is most important to you?
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