
Tim Duncan Quizzes, Questions & Answers

He has been one of the best players in the NBA in recent history and his skills and talent has led his team to several NBA titles. Although smiling is something that Tim Duncan doesn’t excel at, you can see the joy of playing the sport in every move of his. Our Tim Duncan trivia gathers all the important questions about the star player and will challenge everything you know.

Here are a few samples. What is the name of the team for which Tim Duncan has played for the last couple of years? How many NBA titles has Duncan managed to win with his team? What team did Tim Duncan and his team defeat in the last NBA Finals that they won? Score all the three-pointers for your team and start the Tim Duncan trivia.

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Do you know enough about Tim Duncan? Take this quiz and find out

Questions: 7  |  Attempts: 655   |  Last updated: Mar 19, 2022
  • Sample Question
    For which team did Tim Duncan play in 50 games during the 1998-99 NBA season?
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