
UCLA Bruins Football Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Attention Gridiron fans, history buffs, and proud Bruins! We're rolling out the ultimate challenge for those who bleed blue and gold. It's time to test your mettle and show off your knowledge about UCLA's illustrious football history with our UCLA Bruins Football Quizzes! Are you ready for some football... trivia, that is? Did you spend your college years at the Rose Bowl, cheering at every touchdown? This is your chance to tackle our quiz and score a touchdown in Bruins trivia. From the iconic moments that still send shivers down our spines, to the jaw-dropping plays that have us replaying them over and over - we've packed it all in. We've dug deep to bring you questions that span the entire timeline of UCLA football.

Freshmen and Alumni alike, there's something in here for everyone. And, while you're navigating through the quiz, remember it's all in good fun. Maybe you’ll discover some fantastic facts you never knew or get a fresh perspective on games you've attended. Share the quiz with friends, challenge your family, or make it the highlight of your next tailgate. It’s a perfect way to bond over shared memories and perhaps create some friendly competition.

So, lace up those cleats, don your jersey, and warm up those brain muscles. The UCLA Bruins Football Quizzes are not just a test but a journey through the cherished legacy of the UCLA football program. Will you emerge as the MVP of Bruins' lore? There's only one way to find out. On your marks, get set, Hike!

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Can you answer all these questions about UCLA Bruins Football?

Questions: 37  |  Attempts: 102   |  Last updated: Feb 18, 2015
  • Sample Question
    What award did Anthony Barr win for the 2013 season?
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A fun quiz to test your knowledge on UCLA Bruins

Questions: 31  |  Attempts: 115   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2022
  • Sample Question
    Which legendary UCLA coach lead the Bruins to 10 national championships?
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