
Unemployment Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Finding a decent job is hard for anyone nowadays. But it doesn’t have to be the same for you now. We’ve got here some questions for you that you will have to answer. Answer as many as you can right. Are you ready to start the quizzes? What is currently the country in the European Union with the highest rate of unemployment? Approximately what percentage of the world population was out of work in 2012?

What schools of economics argue that market mechanisms are reliable means of resolving unemployment? What type of economics emphasizes the cyclical nature of unemployment and recommends government interventions? Answer all of them and we can reduce unemployment one person at a time.

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Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 290   |  Last updated: Mar 17, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Voluntary unemployment is when somebody chooses to be unemployed.
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This is an assessment of your General Inquiry knowledge.

Questions: 186  |  Attempts: 142   |  Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
  • Sample Question
    P/N          XXXXXXXXX  BAR INQUIRY  DATE: 07/24/09  TIME: 16:05:57   PAGE  1 SMITH, JANE D       ON VRU: YES         WITHHOLD: OFF                        I 12345 FIELDCREST DR        EFT-STATUS: 02=OFF EFT          PHONE: 620 555-1212 PITTSBURG          KS  66762-6307  MOTHER MAIDEN NAME: CULLISON                AGENT-STATE: 20 LOCAL OFFICE:  0310  OTHER NAME USED:                          RES STATE:   20 RES COUNTY:  037     RES CITY:  0000    STATUS: 1----ACTIVE    SEX: 2-FEMALE   RACE: 1--WHITE       ETHNIC: 2-NONHISP  DATE OF BIRTH:  841001 INDUSTRY: 7389  SUB PAY: 000  CLMSRCE: 01  OWNER: 050   DR LIC #: KS K12345678 TYPE WEEK:    0-CALENDAR  WEEK ENDS:   7--SATURDAY  K47/IB14:   0---UNASSIGNED OCCUPATION:      JS90114  EUC OPT: 00  TEU OPT: 00  REDET CODE: 00 DATE:000000 STD OCC CD:     JS090114  NAICS:            561422  TENURE MONTHS:         020 RTW DATE:         000000  EXCESS EARN:      000000  REGISTER:            1-YES OLD BAR  SMITH, JANE D             TERM: UPDT  DATE: 07/23/09  TIME: 19:29:42  ADDRESS:                                                    00000              * * C L A I M S   A C T I V I T Y  - - -  (LAST EMPLOYER ADDRESSES -- L//P) * *     EFFECTIVE  FILED  PROC  MAILED  BEG   LSTDAY SERIAL  RBP  NAICS  EXM  BATCH 1)R-N  090104 090107 090607 090608 070423 081217 0318062 210 561422  090  31090 Does the claimant have federal withholding?
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