
Violent Femmes Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Violent Femmes has long been a fan favorite. Some of their top hits include Gone Daddy Gone and Kiss Off. The band has gone through three drummers, but bassist Brian Ritchie has stayed steady. Can you name the singer/songwriter/guitarist who has also remained in the band since founding? Can you name his single that they remade in 2000 for the film Grosse Pointe Blank?

Do you know what 1994 film their single “color Me Once” was recorded for? If you named Gordon Gano, “Blister in the Sun,” and The Crow, then you really are a trivia star! If you think you can handle it, then check out some of our quizzes and see how high you can score!

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Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 109   |  Last updated: Sep 2, 2024
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    When was the Violent Femmes' debut album released?
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