
Viscosity Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Viscosity is a measure of a fluid’s resistance to gradual deformation, or in general terms, the “thickness” of a fluid. Honey and water are two easy reference points when trying to conceptualize viscosity - honey has a much higher viscosity than water. Want to know more about the physics surrounding viscosity? Take our quizzes to get up to speed!

What is an inviscid fluid? Or a superfluid? What’s the difference between mobile and viscous liquids? What is Newton’s law of viscosity? What are some non-Newtownian fluids? Can some solids be viscous? What metric units are used to measure viscosity? How does the viscosity of a fluid affect how big a splash it makes when being poured? What is an eddy viscosity? Is glass considered viscous since it can move over time? Are gases viscous? If you’ve got the curiosity, don’t dissolve away, stay and take a few quizzes on viscosity!

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Viscosity is a crucial parameter for measuring the flow of fluids, such as liquids, semi-solids, gases and even solids. It can be defined as quantification of the frictional force that arises between two adjacent layers of fluid...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 3878   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    What measures a material's resistance to flow?
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