
Voting Quizzes, Questions & Answers

The power of the people lies in voting. Whether it’s voting for the next political candidate or for the passage of a law, voting is our way of exercising our right of power. As important as voting is in America, can you guess what the average voter turnout rate is? It’s probably lower than you think! Do you know the year in which women were finally given the right to vote in America? Women in Britain voted much earlier – 1832 to be exact! Women in Saudi Arabia were unable to vote until 2015.
As you probably know, the voting age in most countries is 18 years old. Do you know what the voting age is Austria. Here’s a hint: It’s lower than America! Whether you know a lot or a little about voting, our online quizzes are sure to help increase your knowledge about voting throughout the world. Take one now!

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