
Waste Management Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Waste Management! It’s a stinky job but somebody has to do it. Waste management is crucial to maintaining a clean, healthy, livable environment. Whether you realize it or not, there’s more to proper waste management than just taking out the garbage. Test your waste management knowledge here and find out just how much you know about keeping the world clean. Do you know which country produces half of the world’s garbage? Can you estimate how many trees are saved when one ton of paper is recycled?

What percentage of our garbage can be composed because it is made up of plant matter? Can you name something made from recycled glass? These quizzes are fun but it really makes you think. Take it today and learn what you can do to make the world a better place.

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What do you know about biohazardous wastes? Do you know how to decontaminate them properly? Take this biomedical waste training test and evaluate your knowledge of segregating and handling waste properly. Biohazardous waste, also...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 7580   |  Last updated: Oct 9, 2023
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    Municipal solid waste may be mixed or commingled with Regulated Medical Waste.
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Check out this 'Waste Management Environmental Practices Review quiz'. We've prepared this incredible quiz to test your understanding of waste management practices. If you think you have good knowledge related to the...

Questions: 44  |  Attempts: 12458   |  Last updated: May 13, 2023
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    A discarded material is a waste.  Which of the following is not discarding?
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Waste management includes the activities and actions necessary to manage waste from its beginning to its final disposal. This process consists of collecting, transport, treating, and disposing of garbage and monitoring and...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 2346   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
  • Sample Question
    What are the four basic waste categories?
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Below is a Municipal Solid Waste trivia quiz to help Test Your Knowledge about Waste Management! TA good sewerage system makes an area clean and at the same time, frees the community from some waterborne diseases and other...

Questions: 50  |  Attempts: 872   |  Last updated: Mar 17, 2023
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    The slope range that is prescribed as production land use is
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Do you know anything about waste disposal? Waste is grouped according to source and composition, as waste materials are either liquid or solid in form. The term waste typically refers to sewage, hazardous waste, and electronic...

Questions: 17  |  Attempts: 3503   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Which statement describes general waste?
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