
Women Right Quizzes, Questions & Answers

There are a lot of women who struggled to become equals of men. There was a time when women were only expected to become married and become good housewives. It did not matter whether they are intelligent or they have great talent. The only thing that they are known to be good for is to do chores at home. As the years went by, they have decided that they already have had enough. They know that they deserve to get their choices heard and this is exactly what they have done.

A lot of women are still celebrating women’s rights. All women are encouraged to know as much as they can about their rights so that they will not let other people walk all over them. They always deserve to be given the right to have a property, the right to vote, and so much more.

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Gender Equality and Women Right are fundamental human rights that prevent women from violence, slavery, discrimination; to own property, vote, to be educated, to earn equal wages, and to have a life of their choice. This short...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 578   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
  • Sample Question
    When was the declaration to eliminate violence against women adopted by the UN General Assembly?
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