
Xena: Warrior Princess Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Embark on an exhilarating journey into the mythical world of "Xena: Warrior Princess" with our action-packed quizzes and trivia! If you're a devoted fan of the fierce and fearless Xena, brace yourself for an entertaining challenge that will test your knowledge of this iconic series. Join us as we delve deep into the adventures of Xena, the formidable warrior with a heart of gold, and her loyal companion Gabrielle. Are you ready to prove your expertise in the trials and tribulations faced by Xena and her band of diverse allies? Our "Xena:

Warrior Princess Quizzes" will transport you to ancient lands filled with mythical creatures, cunning villains, and epic battles. Unravel the enigmatic layers of Xena's past, her transformation from ruthless warlord to valiant protector, and her unbreakable bond with Gabrielle. Prepare to be challenged by intriguing questions that will test your recollection of memorable moments, unforgettable dialogues, and captivating story arcs. Do you know the names of the mythological beings Xena encountered in her extraordinary quests? Can you recall the adversaries she vanquished and the friends she gained along the way? Engage in friendly competition with fellow fans and compare your scores to see who reigns supreme as the ultimate "Xena: Warrior Princess" aficionado! Whether you're a seasoned warrior-watcher or a newcomer enchanted by this timeless series, our quizzes, and trivia will keep you entertained and immersed in the magic of Xena's world.

So, sharpen your sword of knowledge, summon your courage, and embark on a journey of excitement and nostalgia as you dive into the enchanting world of "Xena: Warrior Princess" quizzes and trivia. Let's test your fandom prowess and discover if you have what it takes to be a true warrior princess!

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You want to know which Xena: Warrior Princess character you are most like, but all the online quizzes are too obvious, repetitive, or just plain stupid. Here you go--a quiz that will find your inner soul and tell you who...

Questions: 15  |  Attempts: 7867   |  Last updated: May 8, 2023
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    What would you do if someone stole something from you?
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Hi All, This is level 1 Xena warrior princess Quiz, answer the all questions and gain the full score and prove you're true xenite!!

Questions: 20  |  Attempts: 1708   |  Last updated: Jan 24, 2024
  • Sample Question
    1) What is Xena's main weapon?
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Hi all, This is level 2 quiz, it is simple than level 1, 10 Questions and you will have 1minute to answerGood luck

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 493   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Who was the king of Ithaca?
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