Physical Chemistry Test: States Of Matter Trivia

Reviewed by Zohra Sattar Waxali
Zohra Sattar Waxali, PhD (Chemistry) |
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Dr. Zohra Sattar Waxali earned her doctorate in chemistry and biochemistry from Northwestern University, specializing in the metallomes of cardiac cells and stem cells, and their impact on biological function. Her research encompasses the development of arsenoplatin chemotherapeutics, stapled peptide estrogen receptor inhibitors, and antimicrobial natural products.
, PhD (Chemistry)
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| By Cardinalcm
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Quizzes Created: 6 | Total Attempts: 66,449
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How many states of matter exist?

Answer: 5
Matter manifests in five recognized phases, namely solids, liquids, gases, plasma, and Bose-Einstein condensates. The primary distinguishing factor among these states lies in the density of their constituent particles, representing the fundamental structural variation defining each phase.

In which state of matter are the particles farthest apart?

Answer: Plasma
Plasma is the state of matter in which particles are the farthest apart. Unlike solids, liquids, and gases, plasma consists of charged particles that have enough energy to overcome the attractive forces between them. This results in particles being spread out and not confined to a fixed position. Plasma is often referred to as the fourth state of matter and is commonly found in stars, lightning, and certain types of flames.

In which state of matter are the particles closest together?

Answer: Solid
The state of matter where particles are closest together is solid. In a solid, the particles are tightly packed and have a fixed position. They vibrate in place but do not move around freely like in a liquid or gas. This close arrangement of particles gives solids their definite shape and volume.

In which state of matter do particles have the least energy and are closely packed together?

Answer: Solid
In the solid state of matter, particles have the least energy, and they are arranged in a fixed, closely-packed structure. This results in a definite shape and volume for solids.

What state of matter is rain?

Answer: Liquid
Rain is considered a liquid because it is composed of small water droplets that have condensed in the atmosphere and fallen to the ground. Liquids have a definite volume but not a definite shape, and rain takes the shape of its container or the surface it falls on. Falling rain often has a teardrop shape because of wind resistance. Additionally, rain can flow and be poured, which are characteristics of liquids.

Which state of matter has no definite shape or volume?

Answer: Gas
Gas is the state of matter with no shape or volume. Unlike solids and liquids, gases do not have a fixed shape or volume. Instead, they take the shape and volume of their container. Gas particles are in constant random motion, allowing them to fill any space available to them. This property of gases makes them highly compressible and able to expand to fill any container they are placed in.

Of solids, liquids, and gases, which phase of matter has the most kinetic energy?

Answer: Gas
Among solids, liquids, and gases, gases typically have the most kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is associated with the motion of particles in a substance. In gases, particles move freely and rapidly in all directions, colliding with each other and the container walls. This high degree of motion results in gases having higher kinetic energy compared to liquids, where particles have less freedom of movement, and solids, where particles are relatively fixed in their positions.

In the context of the phase transition from liquid to gas, which thermodynamic property remains constant during the process of boiling at a fixed pressure?

Answer: Temperature
During the boiling process at a fixed pressure, the temperature of the liquid remains constant. This is because the heat energy added to the system is used to overcome the intermolecular forces and convert the liquid into a gas, rather than increasing the temperature. The specific temperature at which this occurs is known as the boiling point.

When a gas undergoes adiabatic expansion, what change occurs in the gas molecules?

Answer: The average kinetic energy of the molecules decreases.
In an adiabatic expansion, a gas expands without exchanging heat with its surroundings. As the gas does work on its surroundings during expansion, its internal energy decreases, leading to a decrease in the average kinetic energy of the gas molecules. This results in a drop in temperature, demonstrating the cooling effect of adiabatic expansion.

During the process of sublimation, what remains constant in an isolated system?

Answer: Temperature
During sublimation in an isolated system, the temperature remains constant as the substance transitions directly from the solid phase to the gas phase. The energy supplied to the system is used to break the intermolecular forces in the solid, allowing it to convert into a gas. The temperature stays constant during this phase change, similar to the melting and boiling processes.
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