This questionnaire is designed to find out your preferred learning style(s). Over the years you have probably developed learning “habits” that help you benefit more from some experiences than from others. Since you are probably unaware of this, this questionnaire will help you pinpoint your learning preferences so that you are in ‘a better position to select learning experiences that suit your style. Review the statements and tick those that you agree with.

If you ticked Yes for 6 or more of the above then you demonstrate strong Pragmatist characteristics.
  • Keen to test things out in practice
  • Practical, down to earth, realistic
  • Business like - get straight to the point
  • Technique orientated
  • Tendency to reject anything without an obvious application
  • Not very interested in theory or basic principles
  • Tendency to seize on the first expedient solution to a problem
  • Impatient with waffle
  • On balance, task orientated not people orientated

5 Sample Questions

Do you like to/tend to; try out ideas, theories and techniques to see if they work in practice

  • A. Yes
  • B. No

Do you like to/tend to; positively search out new ideas

  • A. Yes
  • B. No

Do you like to/tend to; take the first opportunity to experiment with applications

  • A. Yes
  • B. No

Do you like to/tend to; return from courses brimming with new ideas that they want to try out in practice

  • A. Yes
  • B. No

Do you like to/tend to; get on with things

  • A. Yes
  • B. No

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