Excellent Negotiator Skills Quiz
Negotiation is an approach to settle differences. It is a process by which compromise or agreement is reached while avoiding argument. In any disagreement, individuals understandably aim to achieve the best possible outcome for their position (or perhaps an organisation they represent). However, the...
Letter and Report Writing Quiz - DANGLING MODIFIERS
Edit these sentences to eliminate dangling modifiers.
Disciplinary Quiz
You may feel fully justified in taking formal action against a poorly performing employee but will the course of action you choose be deemed to be appropriate or does it contravene company policy. Or at worst, it may lead to a grievance from the employee or be unlawful under employment legislation. ...
Time Management Quiz 2
In order to be able to manage your time effectively it’s necessary to have a clear understanding of the basic issues and principles that relate to the management of your time. Indicate against the statements below whether you agree or disagree with them. Read the statements carefully as s...
Effective Delegator Quiz
It is recognised that the best managers are the ones who can delegate. The modern manager, with ever increasing work loads and responsibilities, must use the delegation of responsibility to encourage career growth amongst his/her staff. Are you an effective delegator? The following quiz can...
Letter and Report Writing Quiz - PARALLEL CONSTRUCTION
Rewrite the following sentences, following the principle of parallel structure.
Letter and Report Writing Quiz - THE SIMPLE WORD
Rewrite the following sentences, substituting simple words whenever you can.
Letter and Report Writing Quiz - UNNECESSARY SHIFTS
Reorder the following sentences to eliminate all unnecessary shifts.
Letter and Report Writing Quiz - CONCISENESS
Delete the deadwood from the follow sentences; make them as concise as possible without altering shades of meaning.
Letter and Report Writing Quiz - SMOTHERED VERBS
Rewrite the following sentences, changing passives to actives whenever you believe the change is appropriate. You may keep the passive construction if you can explain why you consider it preferable.
Letter and Report Writing Quiz - PASSIVE CONSTRUCTIONS
Get rid of the smothered verbs in the following sentences. You can make any other editorial changes you believe will improve clarity.
Time Management Questionnaire - Outlook 2010 Quiz
Each of the following questions is designed to help identify your normal time use patterns. Please tick the answer that best indicates your normal practice. Be honest with yourself. It will help you to identify where you are doing well and what you should look at to improve your use of time. Th...