The sanskrit name for Mountain Pose is:
Correct Answer
B. Tadasana
Tadasana is the correct answer for the sanskrit name of Mountain Pose. Tadasana is a foundational standing pose in yoga, where the feet are grounded and the body is aligned with a straight spine. It helps improve posture, balance, and concentration. The name "Tadasana" is derived from the Sanskrit words "tada" meaning mountain and "asana" meaning pose, indicating the strong and grounded nature of this pose, resembling a mountain.
Hero's pose:
Correct Answer
C. Virasana
Virasana, also known as Hero's pose, is the correct answer. In this pose, the practitioner sits on their knees with the tops of the feet flat on the floor and the buttocks resting on the heels. This pose helps to stretch the thighs, knees, and ankles, while also improving digestion and relieving symptoms of sciatica. It is a grounding pose that promotes a sense of stability and strength. Sukhasana, Navasana, and Padmasana are different yoga poses and not the correct answer for Hero's pose.
Crow pose is also known as:
Correct Answer
B. Bakasana
Crow pose is also known as Bakasana.
Downward Facing Dog pose is called:
Correct Answer
C. Adho Mukha Svanasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana, also known as Downward Facing Dog pose, is the correct answer. This pose involves the body forming an inverted V-shape with the hands and feet on the ground and the hips lifted towards the ceiling. It is a common yoga pose that stretches and strengthens the entire body, particularly the arms, shoulders, hamstrings, and calves. The name "Adho Mukha Svanasana" is derived from Sanskrit, where "Adho Mukha" means "downward facing" and "Svanasana" means "dog pose."
Revolved Triangle pose is called:
Correct Answer
D. Parivrtta Trikonasana
Parivrtta Trikonasana is the correct answer for the given question. This pose is also known as the Revolved Triangle pose. In this asana, the body is twisted and extended, with one hand reaching towards the ground and the other hand extended upwards towards the sky. This pose helps to improve balance, flexibility, and strength in the legs, hips, and spine. It also aids in digestion and stimulates the abdominal organs.
Extended Triangle pose is called:
Correct Answer
A. Utthita Trikonasana
The correct answer is Utthita Trikonasana. This pose is commonly known as the Extended Triangle pose. In this pose, the body is extended and stretched in a triangular shape, hence the name "Utthita Trikonasana".
Child's Pose is known as:
Correct Answer
B. Balasana
Balasana is commonly known as Child's Pose in yoga. It is a resting pose that helps to release tension in the back, shoulders, and neck. In this pose, the practitioner sits on their knees, folds forward, and rests their forehead on the mat while reaching their arms forward or alongside the body. The name "Balasana" comes from the Sanskrit words "bala" meaning "child" and "asana" meaning "pose". This pose is often used as a gentle stretch and relaxation posture in yoga practice.
Extended Child's pose is called:
Correct Answer
C. Utthita Balasana
Utthita Balasana is the correct answer because it refers to the extended version of Child's pose in yoga. In this pose, the practitioner stretches their arms and torso forward while keeping their hips resting on the heels. This variation provides a deeper stretch to the back, hips, and shoulders, helping to release tension and promote relaxation.
Warrior I:
Correct Answer
B. Virabhadrasana A
Virabhadrasana A, also known as Warrior I, is the correct answer. This yoga pose is named after the fierce warrior Virabhadra, who was created by Lord Shiva. In this pose, the practitioner stands with one leg forward, knee bent at a 90-degree angle, and the other leg extended back. The arms are raised overhead, palms facing each other. Warrior I strengthens the legs, stretches the chest and shoulders, and improves balance and focus. It is a foundational pose in many yoga sequences and is often used to cultivate strength, stability, and grounding.
Headstand A is known as:
Correct Answer
A. Sirsasana A
Sirsasana A is the correct answer because it is the name of the headstand pose in yoga. In this pose, the practitioner balances on their head with their arms supporting their body. It is often considered the basic or beginner variation of the headstand pose. Marichyasana 1, Agni Stambasana, and Virabhadrasana A are all different yoga poses and not specifically related to headstand.
Reverse Plank pose is known as:
Correct Answer
D. Purvottanasana
The correct answer is Purvottanasana because Purvottanasana, also known as Upward Plank pose, is a pose in which the body is lifted off the ground with the arms straight and the legs extended. This pose helps to strengthen the arms, shoulders, and core muscles, while also stretching the front of the body. Vasisthasana is Side Plank pose, Ustrasana is Camel pose, and Natarajasana is Dancer pose, which are all different poses with distinct names and variations.
What does the word 'Adho' mean?
Correct Answer
B. Down
The Sanskrit term 'Adho' means 'Down'.
Utthita means:
Correct Answer
A. Extended
The word "Utthita" is a Sanskrit term commonly used in yoga. It translates to "extended" in English. In yoga poses, Utthita is often used to describe a posture where the body is stretched or extended, such as Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose) or Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose). Therefore, the correct answer is "Extended."
Mukha means:
Correct Answer
B. Face
The word "Mukha" in Sanskrit means "face".
Which of the following is NOT a commonly recognized style of yoga?
Correct Answer
C. Pilates
While Pilates is a popular mind-body exercise system that shares some similarities with yoga, it is not considered a style of yoga. It was developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century and focuses on core strengthening, flexibility, and muscular control. Hatha, Vinyasa, and Iyengar are all distinct styles of yoga with their own unique approaches and emphasis.
The word 'Urdhva' means:
Correct Answer
D. Up or Upward
The word 'Urdhva' means "up" or "upward" in Sanskrit and other Indian languages. It describes movement or direction that is oriented towards a higher position. For example, in yoga or physical exercises, 'Urdhva' often refers to poses or movements that involve extending or lifting the body upward. It contrasts with terms like "downward" or "forward," which indicate different directions or movements.
What does 'Trikona' mean in English?
Correct Answer
C. Triangle
Trikona means triangle in English.
Utkatasana in English means:
Correct Answer
B. Awkward Chair
Utkatasana, also known as Awkward Chair pose, is a standing yoga posture that resembles sitting on an imaginary chair. The word "Utkatasana" is derived from the Sanskrit words "utkata" meaning "powerful" or "fierce", and "asana" meaning "pose" or "posture". This pose challenges balance, strengthens the legs, and engages the core muscles. It is called "Awkward Chair" because it requires a unique and slightly uncomfortable position that can be challenging for beginners. It is not related to the other options of Forward Fold, Upward Facing Dog, or Cobra.
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana in English means: (break the word apart)
Correct Answer
C. Upward Facing Dog
Urdhva (Up); Mukha (Face); Svan (Dog)
Urdhva Dhanurasana in English means:
Correct Answer
B. Full Wheel pose
Urdhva Dhanurasana, also known as Full Wheel pose, is a backbend yoga pose where the practitioner arches their back and lifts their body into a wheel-like shape. The name "Urdhva Dhanurasana" is derived from the Sanskrit words "urdhva" meaning upward, and "dhanu" meaning bow. However, "Bow pose" refers to a different yoga pose where the practitioner lies on their stomach and lifts their legs and upper body. "Bridge pose" is another backbend pose, but it involves lifting the hips off the ground while keeping the arms and legs grounded. Therefore, the correct answer is Full Wheel pose.