
BBP Training Quizzes, Questions & Answers

In any workplace or office, it is important to know how to stay clean and healthy. For hospitals, this is especially important because of the risk associated with having so many people in the same place at once. For hospital and healthcare personnel, there are different training courses that must be completed. These are administered by the United States Department of Labor and are overseen and managed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. All professional medical personnel must complete training on BBP, also known as bloodborne pathogens.

The training for bloodborne pathogens focuses on proper labels and signs within the center, the right protective equipment to wear as a professional, as well as recordkeeping for any pathogens, standards, and what to do post exposure. Other topics covered in this training include universal precautions and needle stick injuries. Professionals learn what to do in the event of a latex allergy as well. If you have completed your BBP OSHA training and are an expert in the field, take one of our many quizzes and see how much you remember. 

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