
Cardiac Cycle Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Do you know what the cardiac cycle is? This is the relaxation and the contraction of the different parts of the heart that will usually last for 0.8 seconds. The cycle is always ongoing as long as the heart is working correctly. It cannot stop because if it does, this also means that there may be something wrong with the person. The cardiac cycle will not be complete without relaxation and contraction.

This will make sure that the blood will keep on flowing and pumping throughout the body. This is a voluntary action that can happen 72 times per minute in a normal human being. There are still so many details that you want to know about the cardiac cycle. There are some quizzes that you can answer online. It can be fascinating to understand how the heart works.

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Questions: 15  |  Attempts: 15934   |  Last updated: Oct 4, 2024
  • Sample Question
    What is the definition of the Cardiac Cycle?
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