10th Grade Data Structure Quizzes, Questions & Answers
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Have you studied linked lists in data structure? Take this linked list quiz to check your knowledge of this section of data structure. A linked list is basically a linear collection of data elements whose order is not provided by...
Questions: 20 | Attempts: 12186 | Last updated: Apr 19, 2024
Sample QuestionWhat are the basic components of a linked list?
Do you have any idea what the data structure is? Data structure is a method that applies the appropriate structure and syntax to store and organize information. This quiz asks you what an array is, how to delete an item from an...
Questions: 20 | Attempts: 8942 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionAn Array is what kind of data structure.
Total Questions-> 30Full Time-> 10 minutesNegative marking->0.15 for each question if answered wrongTotal Marks-> 30 (1 for each question)Before starting the test please fill out the form...
Questions: 164 | Attempts: 4587 | Last updated: Aug 10, 2024
Sample QuestionFor a binary search algorithm to work, it is necessary that the array (list) must be
So, here is a challenge for you. Can you pass this Gate data structure quiz with a score equal to or above 70? If yes, then you will be called an expert. In the field of computer science, a data structure is meant by a data...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 2223 | Last updated: Aug 23, 2023
Sample QuestionIn linked lists, there are no NULL links in
Do you know anything about data structures and algorithms? Do you think you can pass this quiz? The data structure is a way of accumulating and organizing information in such a manner that we can perform operations on this data...
Questions: 20 | Attempts: 829 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionTwo main measures for the efficiency of an algorithm are
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Have you ever heard of data structure? A data structure is a data organization, supervision and storage format that allows for efficient contact and modification in computer science. Data structures are often employed as...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 360 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionStruct Node{ int val; struct Node *next; }*head; int get_max() { struct Node* temp = head->next; int max_num = temp->val; while(______) { if(temp->val > max_num) max_num = temp->val; temp = temp->next; } return max_num; } Which of the following lines should be inserted to complete the above code?
Advance Data Structure Quiz-1
Questions: 15 | Attempts: 258 | Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
Sample QuestionWhich of the following trees have height as O(lgn) where number of nodes is n.
Questions: 26 | Attempts: 1456 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionWhich of the following data structure is not linear data structure?
What do you know about data structure? Do you suppose you can make the grade on this quiz? Anything that can store data can be referred to as a data structure. Data structures are programmed to store ordered information so that...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 607 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionA linear collection of data elements where the linear node is given by means of the pointer is
Questions: 20 | Attempts: 918 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionThe _____________ algorithm works by repeatedly scanning through the list, comparing adjacent elements, and swapping them if they are in the wrong order.
Lets Check Yourself......
Questions: 15 | Attempts: 273 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionThe situation when in a linked list START=NULL is