10th Grade Investigation Quizzes, Questions & Answers
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Sundahl & Associates, is offering you the chance to get some free PI test study material (8 CA PI practice examination questions) These questions are an example of our PI Simulator, a collection of 150...
Questions: 8 | Attempts: 409 | Last updated: Mar 17, 2023
Sample QuestionRobert is a retail sales clerk. One day, he sees an old detective show on T.V. and decides he’d like to be a “Private Investigator” despite having no experience in the PI business. Though he never actually claims to be licensed, he buys some camera gear, puts on an old trench coat, and starts soliciting clients who pay him for his investigative services. Due to lack of experience, of course, Robert makes some serious mistakes and his angry clients report him to BSIS. What action may be taken against Robert?