
Organizational Behaviour Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Human behavior flows from three main sources according to Plato - desire, emotion, and knowledge. Do you agree? How about when this behavior is brought to an organizational setting? That's where "Organizational behavior" comes into the picture. If you're in the field of management, business, or psychology, chances are, you've come across this topic a couple of times already. How well do you think you've absorbed its concepts?
Well, if you're itching to find out, then you've come to the right venue. We are offering a wide selection of quizzes on Organizational Behavior to test your mettle on the subject. There are objective questions as well as subjective ones so that you can assess your own behavior too. How does that all sound to you? If you're intrigued, then by all means, proceed to our quizzes with you best behavior! Good luck!

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Dive into the intricacies of workplace dynamics with the Organizational Behavior Test Quiz. This quiz offers an enlightening exploration into the fascinating realm of organizational behavior, focusing on the psychology and...

Questions: 50  |  Attempts: 7881   |  Last updated: Mar 30, 2024
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    Over the past two decades, business schools have added required courses on people skills to many curricula. Why have they done this?
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Questions: 45  |  Attempts: 4372   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    The forces within a person that affect their direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behaviour.
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Questions: 29  |  Attempts: 512   |  Last updated: Mar 17, 2023
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    A process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party. Was widely regarded as undesirable and counterproductive. This view says that low levels of disagreement tatter the fabric of the workplace relations and sap energy away from productive activities. Was seen as wasting productive time and violating the hierachy of command and questions the efficient assignment of authority. A few writers questioned this perspective and instead suggested that there is an optimal level of this. Energizes people to debate issues and evaluate alternatives more thoroughly. Also encourages them to re-examine their basic assumptions. Prevents organizations from stagnating and becoming nonresponsive to their external environment. Increases cohesion with the team.
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Questions: 35  |  Attempts: 727   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    Influencing, motivating, and enabling others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which they are members. Personal characteristics that distinguish great leaders. Leadership researchers and consultants have returned to the notion that effective leaders possess specific personal characteristics.
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Questions: 31  |  Attempts: 733   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    A conscious process of making choices among alternatives with the intention of moving toward some desired state of affairs.
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