Reading Quizzes, Questions & Answers
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Questions: 15 | Attempts: 4248 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionA few years ago everyone was talking about the new electric cars. These cars were cleaner and quieter andthey were going to be the answer to our pollution problems. (1) ……………………… Why aren’t our roads full ofelectric cars? Why are we still sending out huge amounts of pollution into the atmosphere and using oil fasterthan the oil companies can produce it?
Questions: 14 | Attempts: 500 | Last updated: Mar 19, 2023
Sample QuestionRead the texts about sleep problems. Match the sentences (1–6) with the people (A–C). You can choose the people more than once.Which person hasn’t done what the doctor suggested?
Questions: 14 | Attempts: 3744 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionRead the texts about sleep problems. Match the sentences (1–6) with the people (A–C). You can choose the people more than once.Which person hasn’t done what the doctor suggested?
Questions: 11 | Attempts: 856 | Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
Sample QuestionRead the texts about when people started learning English. Match the comments (1–6) with the people (A–D). A. EveI can’t remember when I first started learning English because it was – and still is – the language my family speaks at home. You see, my mum is English and she and my dad (who’s French) thought it was a good idea for their children to speak English at home and French at school. It worked! My sisters and I speak both languages well, and I can go from one to the other without thinking.
INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully. Answer all the questions in Reading Parts 1 – 5 Questions 1 – 35 carry one mark.
Questions: 50 | Attempts: 935 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionTony wants Elsa to
Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully. Answer all the questions in Reading Parts 1 – 5.
Questions 1 – 35 carry one mark.
Questions: 50 | Attempts: 4569 | Last updated: Aug 25, 2023
Sample QuestionTony wants Elsa to ....
Questions: 13 | Attempts: 219 | Last updated: Mar 16, 2023
Sample QuestionRead the email. Are the statements true (T), false (F) or not given (NG)? Hi Louise I hope all’s well with you and the children. It’s been a long winter and I think everyone’s waiting for the spring now. Are you going to plant lots of vegetables in the garden again this year? I’m thinking about tomatoes and courgettes as they’re both easy to grow. I know I only wrote to you last week, but I just have to tell you about the school reunion I went to on Saturday. I think I told you that I got an invitation a couple of months ago. I left school twenty years ago and haven’t kept in touch with anyone from my class, so I was very surprised to get the invite. First I decided not to go, but then I thought it might be quite fun to see how everyone is and how much people have changed. So I accepted and we all met up at a new Italian restaurant in town. I was the second person to arrive and I must tell you I didn’t recognise the woman who welcomed me in! She was very attractive and slim. No wonder I didn’t know who she was because when we were at school she used to be quite fat and shy and she didn’t use to join in. So that was the first surprise and there were many more I can tell you! My best friend at school was there (see attached photo) and it was really good to see her again. I don’t know why we lost touch, but it was good to catch up with her. I hope we’ll stay in contact now. Almost everyone is married or divorced with one or more children and it’s strange to think of us all as adults now. After an hour or so of talking to everyone (and there were a lot of us there – about thirty I would say), we sat down for our meal and then of course we started talking about the old days at school and we remembered teachers we loved and hated and all the naughty things we did. I don’t know how our teachers coped with us because our class was quite bad! At the end of the meal we all exchanged email addresses and promised to keep in touch and organise another reunion for next year. Perhaps we should invite some of the teachers to join us next time! See you soon. LoveAmy xx Amy wants to grow some vegetables this year. TrueAmy’s last email to Louise was one week ago.
Questions: 11 | Attempts: 636 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionRead the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?There was a lot of media interest in Amelia’s journey across Antarctica.
PET Reading Part 1, 3, 5
Questions: 29 | Attempts: 6275 | Last updated: Jul 16, 2024
Sample QuestionLisa!Yvonne can't go to the concert tonight.Let me know as soon as possible if you'd likeher ticket. If not, I'll offer it to Marie.SallyWho should Lisa contact if she wants to go to the concert?
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 889 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionRead the texts about when people started learning English. Match the comments (1–6) with the people (A–D). A EveI can’t remember when I first started learning English because it was – and still is – the language my family speaks at home. You see, my mum is English and she and my dad (who’s French) thought it was a good idea for their children to speak English at home and French at school. It worked! My sisters and I speak both languages well, and I can go from one to the other without thinking.