
Samuel L Jackson Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Samuel L Jackson has that cool look and that inner wisdom that not many actors possess nowadays and that’s why he became extremely popular. This is one of the main reasons for which he also became extremely popular around the world. Below are a few samples that we have for you.

They were taken from our Samuel L. Jackson quizzes. He achieved prominence and critical acclaim in the early 1990s with films such as Jungle Fever in what year? With Jackson's permission, his likeness was used for the Marvel Comics character named how? Jackson has achieved critical and commercial acclaim, surpassing Frank Welker as the actor with the highest grossing film total of all time in what year? Make the right choices and finish these.

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Are you a Samuel L. Jackson addict? Attempt this quiz and find out for sure

Questions: 15  |  Attempts: 414   |  Last updated: Mar 15, 2023
  • Sample Question
    In which 2002 movie did Samuel L. Jackson play the character Doyle Gipson?
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